Friday, June 28, 2024


Following on from 2 seemingly successful hatchings for our resident ducks, there is just one duckling left. It's so sad as the poor little mite has had a sore foot for several days but the good news is that he's still managing to walk and his mummy is being extra cautious. He's been coming up for some grain each morning and evening and I really hope he survives.
The other rather exciting thing was a balloon flying right over our fields and house in the early morning last week! The weather was perfect and I managed to take a few snaps to share:
We're rather busy trying to repair our outdoor windowframes at the moment, which is tedious but necessary. Mike does the prep work and I follow on with undercoats x 2 and top coats x 2. I'd much rather be out running or gardening but sometimes the practical and less exciting tssk just have to be done, don't they!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Spring things!

So many things have happened and I just can't keep up! I've still got a niggling injury from a fall caused by an impatient club runner a few months ago and this has impacted on all my plans! I've been knitting, crocheting, gardening, running short distances, attending Yoga to stretch out the sore bits and there's lots of work to do in the house too but not enough hours in the day! That said, we had a nice surprise yesterday when one of our resident wild ducks brought her babies up to show us:
Awwh, aren't they cute?! Mrs Duck had some food and a short rest then she headed off to the pond and I followed her in case anything attacked her 8 precious babies. She brought them up again later in the afternoon and they were all fine and we watched them skimming around in the pond. But here comes the BUT - this morning there were 7 ducklings when she came up for her brekkie and then this afternoon there were only 6 ducklings. Sadly, Nature can be very cruel.
Let's hope the remaining babies survive.