Sunday, May 22, 2016

Not in da house but in da garden

No marathons this weekend has meant I could spend most of my time outside in the garden playing catch-up as best I could (except for Saturday morning when Mike and I had a trip into Rye). I'll start with the front garden as it's really coming to life now and looks pretty even with the swathe of blue plastic and black weed-suppressant matting.

As I walked back from the gate this morning after my run I couldn't resist snapping a few photos as everywhere is burgeoning so quickly. I'm just enjoying a pot of tea before my next sortie into the garden so thought I'd use the time to show some of them. 

Looking across to the gazebo I remembered that the barn roof needs attention - there are so many 'to do' jobs on our list!  The Cardoons (with the big silvery leaves near the hedge) have trebled in size and should look magnificent this Summer

Coming round the bend there are Geums and Tiarellas flowering

The Rhododendrons are looking stunning and are smothered in bees and hoverflies

Looking back across that bed you can see how I've allowed some self-seeded orange poppies to stay as they contrast beautifully with the dark leaves of the Heuchera

They mix in well with the deep blue and purple Aquilegias and the shocking pink of the Rhododendron

They are so vibrant and look fabulous in all stages of development

As they age their petals go all crinkly and then they develop beautiful seedpods which you can shake around like a salt cellar to get more plants the next year

The gravel garden needs some serious work in the autumn as everything has grown so well it needs dividing again

You may have noticed that I like dark leaves against acid yellow/green a combination I use throughout the front garden - in the foreground are the red stems of Lysimachia 'firecracker (which has acid yellow flowers later in the year)  with a bright yellow grass behind it and then more dark red leaves of a Berberis  behind

This beautiful iris is coming into flower in the gravel but I just cannot remember its name so will have to edit this later when/if I remember

The dark-leaved Phormium tenax has trebled in size since I planted it just 2 years ago!

In the middle of the photo above you can see the bright lime-green leaves of Hakonechloa macra Aureola which really come to life at this time of year

You're never far away from a duck in our garden! That's a Sedum cascading down the wall.

A closer view of the Cardoon leaves which are already higher than my waist

There is so much work to do along either side of the path that I'm ignoring it for now - due to the excessively wet Winter we have lost various plants from either one side or the other. Not in itself a huge problem as that's what gardening is all about and you expect some losses. However, I planted everything in pairs so that they mirrored eachother and now they don't. Humph! Plus the gazebo needs a good clean my mirror needs to come out of storage, the table and chairs need cleaning, the steps need power-washing etc etc etc.............

Right, I've finished my tea so I'm off out again. I'm very busy all next week and so my marathon updates will probably have to wait - as I've got another 2 next weekend that will be 4 updates to write. Oh crikey!

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