Saturday, February 1, 2025


Firstly I want to send my love and thoughts to everyone in the USA. Such shocking news footage and so many lives lost. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. It's the 1st February today and I was going to name it "Fabulous February" but changed my mind as Mike is poorly, bless him. We seem to be getting old and cronky! Such is life.
Just checking my gauge for a new sweater pattern. The yarn has been sitting in my stash just waiting for the right pullover and hopefully this will be it. Having said that, I keep flitting from pattern to pattern and not making my mind up so who knows what I'll start next - it certainly isn't my best square!!!!
As the Seville oranges are about, I made a small batch of Marmalade and froze the rest of the oranges. It truly is the best marmalade and the kitchen smells divine. Shelley brought a present for me to play with her as she was bored of waiting for me to finish!

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