It was such a grotty, dreary day and I know it's really naughty during the week but we had a slice each after tea and jolly nice it was too.
I shall have to run a few extra miles tomorrow to burn it off!
For my run today I tried a short session that Terry, a fellow forumite on the Runner's World site told me about. It's a session he read about in the magazine many years ago and he incorporates into his schedule on the week leading up to a race - as a sharpener. After a good warm-up you run 50m flat out then 50m fast for 9 minutes. I did it on the treadmill so I could check my pace and I really enjoyed it. My pace was 8 minute miling for the flat out bits and 8.5 minute miling for the fast bits. I think I shall use this to check on my progress, perhaps once a month. It would be fab if I could run something beginning with a 7 eventually........
Cloud, cloud and more cloud in varying shades of grey.
Still beautiful though.
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