Monday, July 7, 2014

So much to say


First here's bit of Nellie, who now has all her legs and body:

I'm halfway along her trunk now so she'll soon be ready to trumpety trump.

I haven't done any knitting for a few days so my cardigan is no further on.

Dementia: Innovation

Last week I had to tear myself away from the garden and head into London again to speak at the Dementia:innovation conference. This was my second sortie into the City of London in as many weeks and it was interesting to see why caught my eye this time.

I had to leave home at silly o'clock in order give myself plenty of time as the venue was a good 25 minute walk away. I could have taken the tube but I'd rather walk and take in my surroundings.

Walking across London Bridge at 7am
What a strange blob on the right hand side. That's the Monument to the 'great fire of London' and if you click on the link you'll find photo without a giant black blob! I cleaned my lens later but didn't spot it at the time.
A beautiful clock and stone pillars
A more modern clock
This emblem was on the gates to Grocers' Hall. I mentioned the many Livery companies in this post about the G7 Summit
The tip of the  Gherkin peeping out over the buildings
My route took me right through the heart of the City of London, along Lombard Street, which I used to know well, then past the road named London Wall (with apologies for the dark blob!) until I reached my destination.

The Barbican centre

To be continued……..

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