It was so hard to say goodbye to our beautiful Tilly cat that we didn't feel ready for a new fur friend straight away, even though the house felt very empty. I got all maudlin and remembered all the lovely animals who'd shared our lives but have passed away since we moved here - 3 horses, 3 cats and 3 rabbits. Then all of a sudden we both agreed it was time to start looking for another cat and so I searched all the local animal rescue centres.
We've always tried to help the older cats who often get overlooked in favour of the cute kittens and our local
RSPCA rehoming centre had plenty so we headed off to have a look. Our first impression of the centre was WOW, what an amazing set-up they have there. Lovely spacious cages on 2 levels with hidey holes, soft toys, access to both outdoor and indoor spaces. Everywhere was so clean and the staff were lovely too.
We spent ages going from cage to cage - I could have taken them all home! Finally we settled on 3 possibles and went away to think about them all. The one who kept coming to mind was Shelby, as she'd been named by the staff. We've now renamed her Shelley as we thought Shelby sounded rather masculine.
This poor little sweetheart had a horrible experience. A couple drove for 70 miles in their car and when they reached their destination one of them noticed a tail hanging down one of the wheels. The tail belonged to poor Shelley who must have stowed away somewhere in the engine cavity. They took her to their nearest RSPCA centre who took great care of her before she was transferred to our local centre for re-homing.
She had terrible burns on her hips but apart from that she was OK physically. They think she's about 12 months old but hadn't been spayed or microchipped so was most likely a stray. From the way she behaves now she's with us I'm sure they were correct in that assumption - more on that later.
We had a home visit from a lovely lady who is a volunteer with them and she gave us the OK so we just had to wait for her to have vaccinations, be spayed and for her wounds to heal a bit more as there were huge scabs on the damaged areas.
Then it was time to bring her home which was very exciting. They always recommend keeping them in one area for a while before introducing them to the rest of the house which was easy as the cats have always had the run of the utility room where there's lots to explore and plenty of room for a scratching post, beds (both open and an enclosed one in which to hide if scared). She settled in so well that after a few days it became apparent that she wanted to explore so we gave her the run of the lounge, music room and kitchen which we could easily close off.
She was given a little knitted square that was in her basket to bring home with her so she had something familiar. Apparently they have a volunteer who knits them so I know where I'll be donating any oddments of leftover yarn from now on plus I'll knit some mini blankets myself.
I have taken loads of photos so I'll just let them show how she's settled. One things' for sure, she's a hunter as when she spots a fly/spider/moth she's right on it which confirms the theory that she was a stray!
The banana is stuffed with catnip and squeaker mouse still has a bit of squeak left but her favourite is squish square which she throws in the air herself and then runs around proudly with it in her mouth! |
I want to go in there please! |
The plant before the fly incident - no plants on there until she's more calm and settled! |
I made her a little woolly toy to play with using the remains of the yarn I used for my Hryggr jumper. It had a pompom on the end and then a mini skein halfway up the long ends which I used to dangle in front of her - she couldn't get enough of it! |
She spent ages playing with it on her own and it's still her go-to toy in the cardboard box we've given her for her toys! |
See the pine cone nearby? When we let her explore some more rooms she spent ages rummaging around in my craft room. We were sitting watching TV when she came trotting through the lounge carrying it and looking very pleased with herself! |
How did she fit under there? |
Spider hunt |
Sorry for the photo-overload but she's just so sweet I couldn't help myself!
Plotting for 2020
Remember Kirsty with whom I ran last weekend and the week before? Well, we've been chatting, as you do, and she's trying to lose weight to get a pb at the Brighton marathon next year. She wants to get under 5 hours. So, having said that I wouldn't do Brighton next year I found myself offering to pace her to get that longed-for pb as I thought that would more rewarding than just aiming for my own goal of going sub 4:30 which would be unlikely on that course.
Naturally we chatted about the 1066 debacle and we both agreed that we'd like another crack at it but that we would want to do it together with no-one else involved as that was what caused the problems.
It just so happened that Mike and I drove through Battle on our way out the other day and I pointed out where we would have come out onto the road and he said it was such a shame that we didn't make it there. I then heard myself saying, "yes and it feels as if I've got unfinished business with it". To my surprise he said that if I decide to do it then it should be with just Kirsty rather than in a group. Well, that sounded like a green light for go to me!!!
Let the planning begin.