Saturday, July 27, 2019

New vest

I've lost count of the many iterations of my charity vest I've had but I like this one more than the last 'cos it's less orange (not good with my hair colour!). A couple of re-designs ago I commented that we needed a 'technical' fabric and the length should be longer for us ladies and the last one was near perfect, except of course for the dreaded orange.

My only wish would be to make the purple more prominent but I suspect they deliberately moved away from that as it harks back to when I first started supporting them and they were the Alzheimer's Research Trust, a small charity with big ideas.

Here it is, straight out of the packet:

I love these 2 little tags which are a nice touch, especially for new supporters as it makes them feel important, which of course they!

Yay, recycling at its best

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