Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Autumn Rose and a stranded sheep

Well first I have to tell you about my run. It was just supposed to be a gentle plod through the village and across some fields, possibly via some woodland. I hadn't actually planned sliding down a steep ravine to rescue a stranded sheep!

As I plodded along the footpath around the edge of a field I noticed a sheep looking down a wooded ravine, at the bottom of which is a small stream. She shouldn't actually have been there as she had obviously got through from the next field where the rest of the flock was grazing which is why I went to investigate.

When I got closer I realised she was watching another sheep who seemed to be stuck halfway down the slope. I surveyed the scene and noticed a large amount of wool stuck on branches and brambles. The stranded sheep was obviously in distress and kept struggling but her coat seemed totally tangled up in brambles. She had soiled herself badly and looked quite thin and I wondered how long she'd been there.

I knew I had to go and get her out as the nearest farm is a couple of miles away and I don't know who owns that bit of land anyway. So I scrambled down the slope, jumped across the stream (managing not to fall in) and up the other side near to where she was standing. When I got closer I could see that all the fleece had been ripped away from round her neck and it was red raw. Poor thing. As I got closer she struggled and struggled and I could see she was covered in brambles with a large branch stuck through the fleece on the back of her head.

As I tried to get closer without distressing her I suddenly understood how she'd lost all the wool from her neck - in her struggling she lost her footing on the ground and swung outwards, suspended by the branch through her coat. She must have been there for quite some time, swinging backwards and forwards before finding her footing again on the slope. With a lot of pulling I managed to get her down and she limped off up the slope, accompanied by her chum who must have stayed with her to reassure her.

I scrambled back up the slope and they both watched me and baa'd their goodbyes as I ran off. I'm hoping that the farmer will come and inspect his flock at some stage and see her neck and check she's OK. Poor little mite.

As for Autumn Rose, I cast on again last night and I am now back to where I was before I frogged so I'm feeling OK again. I think there are about 7 more rows of the ribbing to do before the pattern starts. I may, however, add a bit more length. We shall see.


Knittings Nice! said...

Oh my goodness just read your Mums story...my darling Mum is 84 also vascular dementia...weighs 5 st...double incontinent...cannot feed/walk/talk...is stuck in fetal position...Bed in lounge at Dads home.. 2 carers 3 times a day.had it 5 years now...its heartbreaking. I feel your pain.

Susie Hewer said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about your mum. I know only too well how painful it is to watch the progression of this dreadful disease. That's why I have to keep raising money for the Alzheimer's Research Trust and talking openly about its effects on the sufferer and their family.

If you'd like to talk about it any time, please feel free to email me at susiehewerATcontrapunctusDOTcoDOTuk (I'll only leave my email address on for a few days and if I don't hear from you then that's OK).

monica said...

knitting nice - really sorry about your mum.

susie - the poor sheep. I wonder whether she's ok now...let's hope so! you did well :-)