I'd taken the precaution of having a final session with Mary Massage Lady to iron out the remaining niggles in my groin so I knew I felt good. This gave me a much-needed mental boost because it had been playing on my mind. Everything was organised, we'd go to the village barbecue the evening before, relax and socialise, then early to bed, up at 3am and out of the door by 3:45am to head off to Marshside. Or so I thought.........................
On Friday Mike had a big job come in, the sort you can't turn down. This meant he had a heavy workload for the next week with tight deadlines and no room for manoeuvre. It looked as if he would have to work Saturday just to keep ahead. Then another phone call came which I knew would mean he couldn't come to support me. He was gutted. I was gutted. Ordinarily I wouldn't have batted an eyelid because I'm used to doing my marathons alone (except for the London Marathon which he came to this time) as I prefer off-roaders where the only support is from the marshalls and at the finish line. This was different though as it was such a big thing for me to do that he'd really wanted to be part of it and share in my achievement. Anyway it was not to be so there was no point getting upset about it. So, I decided that rather than get up at 3am and have to travel to the start I'd go up the evening before so I could have a lie-in until around 4am. It was jolly tough leaving him behind on Saturday night and I did have a little cry on the way.
Mike Inkster, the Race Director, gave an inspiring speech and reminded us all that it was not a race but a personal challenge. We could take a break for food, drink or first aid for as long as we liked as long as we finished within the 15 hour time limit. The route was 8 loops of 6.55 miles starting and finishing outside the pub. At the end of each loop we had to get our number and lap time recorded before we started the next one.
Then we were off and it was real. I stayed right near the back and tried to settle into my pace. I'd trained for 13 minute miling but I heeded Andrew's advice and upped it to 12 minute miling. It was a bit humid and there were lots of grey clouds around but the temperature was OK. If only it could stay like this I thought. About 3 miles in it started to drizzle then at 6:50am Mike phoned just as I'd reached about 4 miles. He'd been woken by an almighty thunder clap and looked out the bedroom window to see torrential rain and lightning and he was hoping we hadn't got the same. At that same moment there was a thunder clap overhead and that's when it started - thunder, lightning (very dramatic!) and RAIN!
The first lap was very wet and it was nice to get back to the checkpoint. I had a banana and a drink of water and then headed off again. On each lap I took a walking break of about 100m to eat and prepare for the next round. Laps 2 and 3 were largely uneventful as I just put my head down and got on with it. There was something quite exciting about battling against the elements as the rain was really heavy. The main problem was the water, puddles and long grass. The course was made up of several elements - a section of road, rutted grass tracks (vehicle tracks with a grass hump in the middle), cinder paths (lumpy for tired/sore feet) and vast expanses of concrete (hard on the feet and reflected the sun like mad - more of that later). As the vehicle tracks filled with water we all started running either on the middle or at the sides and it was quite hard on your legs as the grass was long. This meant you had to lift your legs higher than usual. After a few laps it was OK because we squashed the grass down. I chuckled to myself as I remembered the Steyning Stinger marathon I did back in March - it rained throughout that but then it was very cold too so this felt quite different. The worst part really was having wet feet and legs splatted with stinky grey mud.
However, around mile 17 the rain had eased off and I couldn't resist snapping this beautiful swan at the side of the river.
Just as I was trying to stuff my camera back into my belt, along came a young photographer who took this photo of me! I later found out he was the son of Gavin, aka 'Pit Stop Crew', who has kindly sent me his photos.
As the rain eased off, the sky brightened and the wind whipped up. It was like being dried by a giant hairdryer on the 'warm' setting. The mud on my legs dried to an attractive light grey and there were chunks of grass embedded in it. Lovely! It looked a if I was wearing knee high socks. I reached the 26.2 mile mark in under 6 hours (which had been the plan) and so decided to take a comfort break to change my socks, dry my feet off, visit the loo and have a snack.
Time for the second half. By now the sun was bearing down on us as it was midday so I slowed my pace right down and just started to pound out the miles. It wasn't a very scenic route but there were lots of things to look at and listen to so I busied myself by looking at the flora and fauna of the marshes.
Mike had been brilliant and had been phoned me to check on my progress every 3 hours. He knew how much I hate the heat and was quite worried about me. We were very lucky to have such fantastic marshalls at the checkpoints to offer us water etc to keep us hydrated but we also had a team going round the course in a landrover and they were handing out ice pops which were very welcome. It was on lap 7 that I had a little lapse in concentration. Several things happened all at the same time - I'd just finished a phone call with Mike and was trying to stuff my mobile phone into the back pocket of my shorts whilst negotiating the edges of a large puddle when the ice pop landrover came along. I dropped the phone and it landed in the grass beside the puddle. I wobbled on the edge of the puddle as the landrover came alongside, accepted the ice pop, had a chat and then carried on (notice anything?). This as just after about mile 5 on the lap. As I plodded along the road towards the 6 mile sign I suddenly realised that I hadn't retrieved the phone. Great! Now I could have left it there but then Mike might have phoned and not got a reply and then would have worried or someone could have heard it ringing and picked it up. There was no option.......I had to double back to find it. I knew exactly where it was so wasn't worried about finding it. You can imaging the strange looks I got as I went past people going the wrong way! Everyone was really nice and said they hoped I'd find it and thankfully it was where I thought. The detour did make a difference though as I'd run faster to get back there in case anyone else found it so I then had to slow right down until the checkpoint. I'd added over a mile to my total distance so far.

I did my usual walk to the turn in the road and then started running again albeit very slowly. I stumbled along the cinder path and the first grassy bit and came across Mike Inkster, the Race Director/organiser. He said I should take great care as I'd nearly completed the challenge and it was then that I made the decision to walk the last 4.5 miles as I was risking injury by stumbling along. There was nothing to be gained by running anyway as I was well within the time limit of 15 hours and that way I got to enjoy stopping to take photos and chatting to the remaining marshalls. I can't thank Mike Inkster enough - there aren't many Race Directors who would be out walking and even running the course all day to check the runners and marshalls were all OK. Goodness knows how many miles he covered and he always had an encouraging word to say when he met people. What a star.
I look as if I'm doing an impression of the late Tommy Cooper "not like that, like this". I definitely didn't do any running after that and I remember looking down at my arms and seeing lots of black wiggly things about 3 mm long. I had to take my sunglasses off to see that I was covered in corn flies. YUK! They made me itch like mad but thankfully they don't actually bite.
I sat in the car and tried to undo my shoes which was awkward then I had to peel my socks off to reveal the true horror of my feet. I don't normally suffer with blisters but as my feet had been drenched and then forced to run 53.7 miles it was inevitable that I'd get some. Oh my, there were some corkers! Both my little toes looked as if they had giant balloons on the back of them. I had matching blisters on the inside of both heels and a giant puffy mass under the ball of my right foot. Then I realised that my sports bra felt quite uncomfy too even though I'd smothered myself with BodyGlide but I hadn't got the energy to get changed so I sat in the driver's seat and had a bit of a sob. I had to hobble round to the boot of the car to get my flipflops, closed the boot and hobble back again. Then I realised that I'd left my energy bar in the boot but I couldn't manage to hobble back again so I drank some Lucozade Sport instead (which made me feel sickly). I managed to compose myself and headed off home. Thankfully it was only about 1 hour 30 minutes away so not too bad and I knew Mike would look after me when I got in.
The drive home was OK until about 20 miles away when a giant thunderstorm erupted again. Thankfully it had stopped by I got home and Mike was there to greet me and help me into the house. After lots of hugging and congratulations all I wanted to do was peel off my mucky clothes and get in the bath. Eeuuuuuuuk! Now I know just how much Mike loves me as it was not a pretty sight. I looked as if I was wearing leg warmers when we pulled my shorts off - the lower part of my legs was splattered with grey mud that had dried like concrete and the top half was bright red from the sunburn with a white line of skin that hadn't been exposed. My feet looked a right mess and Barney tried to help by licking my blisters (I nearly launched him into orbit when he decided to nibble my toes though!) The top half wasn't much better as my sports bra was literally stuck to me (perhaps too much detail here) and when we peeled it off there were lots of friction burns. Anyway, a good soak in the bath sorted out most of the problems and then Savlon dealt with the sore bits. I managed to eat a piece of toast with cream cheese on and drink a cup of tea before falling asleep. I slept soundly that night.
Someone commented to me that if I had run all the way, not stopped to change my socks, not chatted to the marshalls, not dropped the mobile phone and gone back and not walked at each checkpoint break then I would have completed it much quicker.
Well, in the words of Theodore Roosevelt:
"It is not the critic who counts, nor the person who points out how the strong stumble, or when the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena. Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions. Who spend themselves in a worthy cause. Who, at best, know in the end the triumph of high achievement. Who, at the worst, if they fall whilst daring greatly, know that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".
That is one of the most inspiring blog posts I have ever read. I don't think "Well Done" really works here does it? Amazing. Congratulations!
Hello Suzie,
I followed the build up to the 50 mile challenge through the Runner's World forum as a lurker and have just read your wonderful report of the event.
Thanks for taking the time to put such detail in; I found my feet blistering as I kept up with the action.
Well done, and good luck with your next one.
Good to see you there. It was a great event, wasn't it? You did look cheerful at the end. Well done xxx
AMAZING achievement. Really really well done you! And a good post too. (from someone who has only as yet managed to stumble around 10k and can't even begin to IMAGINE the 53.3 miles you completed)...
Oh, and happy 50th birthday!
It's always good to have a few cats on hand. Their best support is probably luxurious napping; reminding us that a good nap always puts things right.
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