Sunday, June 8, 2014

Just a quickie!

I'm sheltering from the midday sun with my cup of tea before I go out into the garden again - the weather is sooooooo hot!

First here are a couple more photos from the Kent Roadrunner marathon last weekend - it seems like weeks ago as I've been so busy this week. I seem to be doing a lot of interviews at the moment, all with a slightly different slant which is fantastic.

Here's a short movie of Tilly chasing her tail. It's turned into a morning ritual after she's had her brekkie and I've given her a good brushing.

She's getting much bolder as the days go by but she is very nervous if we aren't in the room with her and often goes to hide; behind the settee or on a dining chair are are favourite hiding places. 

We've looked into her past history a bit more to see how we can help her as she loves fuss and attention and is very happy to sit on our laps. We think that she's been picked on by either the cats or dogs she lived with before all the animals were taken into the Blue Cross rescue centre. There are still several cats in there from the same home and they are all very timid in fact even more so than Tilly.

The rest of my time has been spent in the garden and tomorrow I'll try and upload some of the photos I've taken and I really must share some photos from my runs as there are stacks of them in my 'to do' folder.

Oh then there's crochet/knitting stuff too. I definitely need more hours in the day!


RedSetter said...

A 25hr day in an 8day week would suit me lovely. Lovely vid of Tilly and hope she comes out of her shell once she knows she's home in her heart.

Susie Hewer said...

Yep RS, I think an 8 day week would be much better!